Use "she gives him the go-by|she give him the go by" in a sentence

1. She coughed to give him the hint that he should go.

2. By giving him the red flower pot with the Chrysanthemums, she gives him

3. She was sad to see him go.

4. She was reluctant to go with him.

5. 4 She pleaded with him not to go.

6. With a heavy heart, she watched him go.

7. She gives Seiya some of her magical powers by kissing him.

8. She saw him go pale and lean against the young oaks.

9. "Let him go free! " shouted the crowed . "Give him a free pardon! "

10. But she admits that she doesn't love him, and has decided to let him go, and even encourages him to marry Youngsu.

11. Now that she had him in her clutches, she wasn't going to let go.

12. He jollied her along until she agreed to go with him.

13. In a moment of Aberration, she agreed to go with him

14. In a moment of aberration, she agreed to go with him.

15. She gives him a peck on the cheek.

16. She grasped him tightly by the wrist.

17. 5 In a moment of aberration, she agreed to go with him.

18. What date did she give him?

19. Get your ink or go give him a hand.

20. She killed him by a sledgehammer.

21. She is often oppressed by him.

22. She killed him by a hammer.

23. She grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and threw him out.

24. The way she moves she dances like a go-go.

25. 7 She said that dreams go by contraries.

26. She wasn't quick enough to let go and it overbalanced her and she plunged into the water next to him.

27. She did not feel intimidated by him.

28. But Travis was as immovable as a mountain, and angrily she let him go.

29. 23 In a moment of madness she had agreed to go out with him.

30. She refused his offer tactfully , allowing him to go away with his pride intact.

31. She did not address him by name.

32. She snubbed him by ignoring his question.

33. She feels she has to go by the book and can't use her creativity.

34. If she tried to evict him an undignified struggle would only ensue and she wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

35. " Let him go,'she said in a clear voice that carried throughout the tensely quiet room.

36. She recognised him as a kindred spirit, with the same happy-go-lucky, questing attitude to life which she herself possessed.

37. Let him go.

38. She gave him her solemn word that she would give up drugs.

39. She suddenly changed tack, taking him by surprise.

40. She was traumatized by him tying her up...

41. She blamed him, not directly but by insinuation.

42. She Appeased his curiosity by explaining the situation to him.

43. She wasn't in love with Steve, she was obsessed by him physically.

44. She decided to give in her notice and go freelance.

45. 13 She could not give him a truthful answer.

46. If you cannot go, let him go instead.

47. I will let him go, when you give me back that wagon.

48. 1985, Joan Morrison, Share House Blues, Boolarong Publications, page 26: She feels guilty for pampering him, and salves her conscience by Bossily ordering him to go and fetch the clothes from the line[.]

49. I'll go get him.

50. "Go on," the therapist prompted him.

51. 16 He thought she might be on the point of offering him a nip of whisky but she did not go that far.

52. I think she broke off their engagement because she felt smothered by him.

53. We had him and we let him go.

54. She fought off her attacker by kicking him in the balls.

55. She made fun of him by mocking his limp.

56. 3 She led him by devious ways to the meeting place.

57. Rationally, he knows that she won't ever go back to him, but emotionally he can't accept it.

58. They told the executioner to let him go , and pardoned him.

59. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry.

60. Go over and help him.

61. Did you go see him?

62. Go out to meet him.’

63. Go get him another towel.

64. Go after him and apologize.

65. Go clean him up first.

66. Clean him up and get him ready to go.

67. She grabbed him by his clothes, but he ran away.

68. By now she was resisting him only a little bit.

69. She has stood by him loyally, despite the controversy surrounding their friendship.

70. So she does have cause to feel mistreated by him.

71. She Bridled at the suggestion that she should go

72. Probably that Ven would go for her jugular in no uncertain fashion for the deception she had played on him.

73. When she looked at Martin, she seemed to see the smirch left upon him by his surroundings.

74. She suggested blue, she had to go.

75. 22 I saw him go in the shop.

76. His mother put his nose out of joint by not letting him go to the movie.

77. 23 She lulled him to sleep so that she might always find him and caress him as she pleased.

78. Any volunteers to go get him?

79. His friends helped him go wrong.

80. His children go everywhere with him.